********** TECHNICALLY NOT A WIKI ENTRY ********

This isnt a graph form of how to color your chocobo (which i find a bit overwhelming ) but it is how i get my chocobo Sabastion's color changed. One thing i want to make clear tho is that after you get the items to change your chocobo i strongly suggest you seperate your fruits into stacks of the correct number you will need.

the other thing i should say so that its very very clear, when feeding the fruit to your chocobo YOU MUST ALTERNATE THE FRUITS for example: you have 5 × Cieldalaes Pineapple, 13 × Valfruit, 16 × Doman Plum
give your chocobo 2 of each or 1 of each until they are completely consumed. your color will not be right if you feed your chocobo all of one fruit at a time
But without further adeu heres your chocobo color calculator link ^^:
Chocobo Color Calculator