Amber Lee Draconarius replied

452 weeks ago

I just wanted to take a few minutes to tell u guys a little story! I started playing ffxiv over the fourth of July weekend 2015, so its only been a couple of months for me. Soon after I started playing, I was invited to an FC where I met this wonderful family we have now! It was a long grind to get to 50 but I pushed to get there with the help of my family! Then I started the questline to get to Heavensward. This is a very long questline and not a lot of experience is given, but definitely worth the time and effort to do! As the story line progressed the Trials and Dungeons got harder and harder. I would look up videos on them so I prepared myself for what was to come and as I watched I was getting overwhelmed because I thought "omg I cant do this D:"
Throughout the road to Ishgard, my wonderful family, Lumy, Eskatol, Morlok, and Kyra would help me get each and every quest done. I would tell them how intimidated I was and they would always encourage me always telling me how they believed in me and then Eskatol said something that stuck with me. "How many times have u thought that something in this game was too hard but u ended up beating it?" That really stuck with me because it is so true! I have done things in this game I never thought I could do thanks to the help and encouragement of my family!
Anyway, I finally got to Ishgard last night and I really just wanted to say thank u to Lumy, Eskatol, Morlok and Kyra for helping me the whole way. They were waiting for me when I got there and we had a party! Spraying champagne, fireworks and Eskatol even gave me a cake that he specially prepared for me with his EZ Bake Oven! LOL jk Eskatol :D
I say all this to encourage everyone in our wonderful FC, that no matter what, we are here and willing to help u with whatever u need, even if u just need some encouragement! So please just message one of us if u need anything!

Amber Lee

Lumi Imperator replied

452 weeks ago

Awww Amber, this is just the sweetest thing ever :)
I am so happy that we could encourage you and help you along the way! It is the best to be a part of this family and help each other get through things one step at a time! Family is always there for each other no matter what and that will never change even though you have reached Heavenward, we are still here for you and for anybody in the family no matter what you may need!


Eskatol Imperator replied

451 weeks ago

:) Thanks Amber, that's one of the nicest posts I've ever read in all my years playing MMOs. I am very happy that we all met at the beginning of the summer and that we could form our FC Family.

I will simply echo what Lumi and Amber have already said: if you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask. In the Stars of Destiny, your family is here to help!
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